Friday, December 20, 2019

The Underground Economy Concerning The Illicit Sales Of...

Every Action comes with a Price in Life In recent years, there been discussions about the underground economy concerning the illicit sales of organ retrieval services. Either by trade, sale or illegal stealing of organs the effects is widespread in foreign countries making way to the United States. The effects of this practice deeply affect many people who give into the hype of sacrificing self or others for payoffs, with the benefit not equaling to the value or the accommodations promised. The events happening, in foreign countries, affect the world and beyond because trends set standards not just where they begin, but who benefits. The correlation is if it sounds good and looks good, then why not tries it and reaps the perks. One particular scenario, which is causing such a trend in the world, is the selling of organs for money, which never in a million years will equal to human life. The game is to prey on the weak and poor by alluring those that sacrifice organs, an illusion of promises, perks or monies are the tact ics used. When a person is preyed upon because of financial status or poverty struck, then the attraction is far greater for the seeker and the challenge is to retrieve the organ at any cost. What’s the solution for poverty stricken people who decide to sell, trade, or donate organs to a complete stranger for financial gain, perks, and the sacrifice of one’s life? To begin with, poverty stricken people in foreign countries seek solutions for a better

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